Friday, April 8, 2011

Been a longg time!

Well, the last time I wrote here was January. Whoops! Guess I'll make a short update now.

So let's see... there isn't much to say really ha. I went to NYC last month to meet up with Natalie and Chris... tons of fun! T.Jay came with me so Nat and Chris could meet him, so that was good times.

As for the latest news, I am moving to Philadelphia and living with Jessica at the end of May/beginning of June. Going to a 4-day Country Music Concert in Nashville, TN with Jessica. Flying home to LA for two weeks at the end of June.. from June 22-July 6. Nice chunk of time! hah.

Then hopefully starting a job sometime in July in Philadelphia. Woohoo.

T.Jay is moving to Indonesia to teach english. Wish I could go live in a foreign country... but I'm not ready for that step yet, so for now I'll wander across the US. =)

That is all. Peace and Love.