Monday, September 27, 2010

Happy Fall!

So it's fall! The leaves are beginning to change here and some of the colors are so beautiful! I have the next few days off, so I will definitely be walking around tomorrow and snapping some pictures of my town. I will also most definitely be running tomorrow morning, as I just downed a whole pint of Ben and Jerry's FroYo Half Baked. It was delicious and soo worth the 6 miles I will be completing tomorrow hah.

Gosh I haven't written in here for two weeks. Whoops! It has been a busy few weeks, as I am finally getting into the groove of working and feeling more confident in my abilities to work with these crazy groups of children. My days at work consist of waking the kids up, enduring some cursing, walking up trails, eating, walking some more, hearing some more cursing and disrespect, eating, inappropriate conversations about drugs, some sports, being serenaded "California Girls are unforgettable daisy dukes bikini's on top" [if i had a penny for everyone time I heard that song... I'd have 2 dollars], showering and having about 30 minutes of peace to myself, eating, then probably some game, some more inappropriate conversations, then bedtime.

My time off away from camp consists of lots of cups of tea, sleeping, napping, some running time, walking/wandering around town, eating, shopping, errands. I eat a lot here. I need to stop eating so much! Ha but the food at camp is so damn good and I forget that I'm not a teenage boy like everyone else around me. I'm finding that since I spend so much time with these kiddos, I'm starting to talk like them! Not out loud anyway, but I definitely hear my thoughts and laugh, because I'm definitely using there lingo. I'm starting to eat like them too! Bad Meli. I bought a big yoga ball today that I need to pump up and start using.

Let us see what else is there to report. I'm going to Orlando, FL in T minus 10 days. Craziness that's so sooon! I have today, Tuesday, and Wednesday off, then 5 days of work, then another day off, then I fly out on the 6th. We'll be doing Disneyworld, Harry Potter World, Universal Studios, and whatever else is thrown our way. Ahhh! Such a geek but I'm super stoked.

I'm flying home around Christmas time for about 5-6 days. It's going to be a quick visit, but I am excited to be home for a bit and see all my family and friends. I miss you guys! I just checked airfares the roundtrip flights around the dates I think I'm free.. and damn they're pretty expensive! Since I won't be booking any flights just yet... I expect to be paying about $600. That's riidiiculous. Ah. But it must be done. The main reason they're so pricey is because the dates I'm free are just before Christmas to the 28/29.

Well that's about it for now. I will definitely be updating this after my trip to Orlando and talking about everythiiinggg about the trip.

So for now... Stay cool everyone! [mostly for the LA people, cuz I heard it reached about 108 today!]

Thursday, September 9, 2010


So I guess I've been MIA for the past few weeks ha.. they have been busy busy! There is way too much to recap from these past few weeks because I did a loottt. I'll sum it up nicely for you guys though. I'll keep it short and sweet.

I did my training in North Carolina. Wooo I am not a big fan of North Carolina! The training part was good.. I feel a bit more confident in my abilities now. I got bit/stung by a lot of insects... mainly mosquitos and spiders. So that wasn't much fun. Met some awesome people, learned some awesome things... had little mini reunions with friends I had studied abroad with. Tons of fun!

My times off from work have been fun. Mostly getting to know everyone I work with and exploring what I can of Rhode Island. I go walking around a lot by myself in my little town.. mostly to get a feel for where things are and just to get out of the house sometimes. It's nice walking around my little town... get to call some people and mostly relax and clear my head.

There isn't much else to say really. I am enjoying work and having a grand time with my new friends here. I am seeing my roommate from Spain tonight! Ahh I am excited. Last few weeks have been awesome because of all the reunions I've had.

So that is all. Short and sweet. Mostly to report that I am still alive! Woohoo.

Ciao! =)