Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm a very bad blogger. My bad!

There is way too much to recap over the last 5 months of life in Philly. I love my boyfriend, my family came to visit, Alanna was here (twice!), and I saw Allie after 1.5 years apart. Will be moving to a new house again in a month. August will mark 6 months at my new job. September will mark 1 year with the boyfriend. One of my new years resolutions to wear more dresses has been a success. My boyfriend has encouraged the dresses. Ha.

There is not much new to report. Life is peachy, I am happy. Thinking of nixing cheese from my diet... gives me what I've termed.. the bubbleguts. Every once in a while, I get terrible stomachs that can only be appeased by curling up into a ball and grumbling that my tummy hurts. Sometimes, a nice trip to the bathroom will do the trick, other times I devour Tums and Pepto in hopes of some relief. I think cheese may be the culprit. I'm so sad about it! I love cheese... though I did have some vegan mac and cheese today and it was scrumptious!

So, that is pretty much it. Oh, today is July 9th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!

