Friday, November 19, 2010

guess it's time for a real update

Hello blog world. Family... friends... random people... I guess since it's been almost 2 months since a real update... it's about that time.

Rhode Island is amazing. The people I work with have been amazing. The kids are a bunch of doodoo heads, but that is expected I guess, considering the fact that they are troubled teenage boys. I have been called every combination of swear words imaginable, as well as various cartoon/movie/tv characters, random nationalities, a grandma, a white mountain climber... oh the list goes on forever. It has been a hard few months, to be completely honest. There have been a few times where I ask myself what the hell I am doing here... wondering if I'm really made for this job. But I always wake up the next morning and try again.

Fortunately, I have people amongst my coworkers that I can go to if I need to vent/relax. Let's recap a bit... I went to Orlando with a coworker of mine, T.Jay. We started out as mere coworkers.. and when I found out he was going to Harry Potter World, I immediately squealed in excitement for him and declared how jealous I was that he was going. He then proceeded to ask if I wanted to come with him. I figured... why not? This guy seems nice and friendly. So from that point, we became friends... which slowly evolved into a relationship.. and we've been dating for over a month now. The end. So that is T.Jay in the pictures... he's very nice to me. Oh, and as for the picture of the penguins... T.Jay and I went to Boston a few weeks ago and we went to the Aquarium there.. where they had a giant penguin exhibit. Penguins are fun, so that was exciting.

I will be flying home for Christmas... I'll be home from Dec 24-28. I hope I get to see as many people as I can in those 4 days!

So this update was short and sweet... today is November 19.. and we all know what that means... HARRY POTTER 7!!! Off to the movies I go =)

love and miss.

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