Thursday, January 20, 2011

Happy Biiirthday Natalie!

Look at mee. I'm in Paris. Hah.

I was thinking about my job the other day... These past 5 months have been tough. Especially the past few days.. they have been the longest ones yet. There have been a lot of changes at camp recently, and I am still trying to figure out my place in all the chaos. I'm taking everything day by day. Camp can only be as stressful as you make it. Unfortunately, I do make some days more stressful than others... nobody's perfect, it gets to everyone at different times in different ways. Camp is not running as well as it used to, and everyone is scrambling to pick up the pieces and figure out a way to put it all back together.

The boys call me Squidword... or however you spell his name. The fool from SpongeBob SquarePants. They all think I have the same nose as him.. which makes me laugh. They're silly.

Anyway moving on. T.Jay and I are going to New York City in March to meet up with Natalie and Chris! I am looking forward to it.. I'm excited for some of the family to meet him.

I finally have a car out here... It's going to take its first drive in the snow later today because I need to get back to work. The roads are always nice and clean, I'm just worried about the road leading to camp, which is plowed but not clear of snow.. so we'll see!

What else what else? I don't know. I am traveling to Philadelphia next week to see Jessica. Yippeee! I'm super ecstatic. =D

That is all.

Loves <3

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