Monday, July 9, 2012


I'm a very bad blogger. My bad!

There is way too much to recap over the last 5 months of life in Philly. I love my boyfriend, my family came to visit, Alanna was here (twice!), and I saw Allie after 1.5 years apart. Will be moving to a new house again in a month. August will mark 6 months at my new job. September will mark 1 year with the boyfriend. One of my new years resolutions to wear more dresses has been a success. My boyfriend has encouraged the dresses. Ha.

There is not much new to report. Life is peachy, I am happy. Thinking of nixing cheese from my diet... gives me what I've termed.. the bubbleguts. Every once in a while, I get terrible stomachs that can only be appeased by curling up into a ball and grumbling that my tummy hurts. Sometimes, a nice trip to the bathroom will do the trick, other times I devour Tums and Pepto in hopes of some relief. I think cheese may be the culprit. I'm so sad about it! I love cheese... though I did have some vegan mac and cheese today and it was scrumptious!

So, that is pretty much it. Oh, today is July 9th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMA!



1 comment:

  1. Meli, I am sorry to tell you but your stomach aches are inheritated from your papa. Natalie has them too. On the other hand, your mom can eat rocks and she will be fine. While you, Natalie and I drink water and get bubble guts but that is the way God made us, what can we do. Love you a bunch. Tu papa
