Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Been a little M.I.A... =)

Hi friends.

It has been a long time, hasn't it? A lot has happened since I last wrote! I can't even remember what I wrote last, it has been that long. I've finally returned... hopefully returning more consistently now that I'm getting settled in my new house! The most recent update first, I guess.

We moved! From Manayunk to Conshohocken. Jessica and I were tired of our hot apartment, 3 flights of stairs, and crappy parking that Manayunk had to offer us. So forget you Manayunk, we're leaving! So we moved to Conshohocken, into a beautiful house. Where the parking is magnificent and comes with little traffic thanks to avoiding the dreaded Conshohocken curve on the 76, because we no longer have to drive on it. Yay. It is a 3 bedroom + basement, a block of the main street called Fayette, which has a bunch of things to walk to, which was a requirement to move anywhere. Jessica took the master bedroom, Jason (our newest roomie!) took the bachelor pad basement, and I have a smaller room across from Jessica. Since I took the smaller room, I sort of get 2 rooms, because the 3rd bedroom is tiny as well. Though, it'll be more of a tv room/lounge for everyone. I just get the closet hah. Currently, my room is furnished with Ikea furniture, because, let's face it, everyone loves Ikea. I am still sleeping on a futon mattress because I cannot bring myself to spend tons of $$ on a bed just yet So for now, I'm on the floor. Though, I finally have a dresser and bedside table/book shelf. It is strange to finally unpack.. means I'm not going anywhere for awhile.

I've become pretty much a Philadelphian.. I was forced to become a licensed driver, get new car registration and plates, and new insurance.. all in Pennsylvania. My goodness.

In other news, I am a working gal, finally. The 2 months off were nice, but, let's face it, I don't do well with idle time, I need some stimulation. I'm on my 3rd week of work at Devereux... and so far, so good, I guess. I'm on the fence when it comes to if I am happy or not. I'm okay, settling for now, I guess. The job itself is working with adolescent females in a residential facility that have various behavioral and emotional problems. I am trying, but my co-workers aren't the best at training. So, we'll see how I do, I guess.

I visited home, [L.A.] over a month ago now, and it was a pleasant trip home. The 2 weeks flew by, and they were filled with a trip to Disneyland with a friend and cousins, and lunches with aunts and friends from all over. I even got to play soccer with my old soccer team, because they love me. It was exciting.

Let's seee. What else. I am just about a quarter of a century old. Birthday is this Thursday! For everyone that forgets my birthday back home... it's our area code! 8.18 =) Celebrating with a trip to Cheesecake Factory, because I want to splurge and enjoy cheesecake, then wandering over to our favorite Thursday hang out, Plaza Azteca, to enjoy some margaritas and karaoke!

So, that's all folks. Pictures of the house to come soon. For now.. I'll leave you all with this. =)

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