Monday, June 20, 2011

Peace Corps? Grad School? Hm.

A new friend took me on a tour of Philadelphia this past weekend. He asked me what my plans for the future were, because I had mentioned I don't really plan to stay in Philadelphia for longer than a year. So, he asked me what my plans are. I didn't really have a response. I told him that, right now, I am just planning my life a week at time. I have plans for the future, that is true, but I am not sure what order they are going to happen just yet.

I am having a constant battle of future plans… grad school or peace corps or grad school with peace corps combined in the program? Oh the possibilities are endless. Now Jessica is telling me our next move is going to be to Nashville, and that she will pack my bags for me and force me to move. I can't keep delaying my grad school! I know it is something I WANT to do. Though, the real question is… when am I going to do it? I have several things I am taking into consideration when thinking about the peace corps/grad school debate. One, is the cost of a grad school program in Social Work. It's not cheap. Many schools offer fellowships to people who have done Peace Corps and give $$$. Which is what I need! Also, Peace Corps will make me a better applicant at the competitive schools I am applying to.

Another option is to do a combined program of both grad school and peace corps. Not many schools offer the program, however, so my options for grad schools are severely limited. Though, with this type of program, I know that Peace Corps is also really competitive, and having some education behind me will better prepare me to serve overseas.

Damnit! Peace Corps… then Grad School? Oh goodness gracious. I have too much free time right now, and my mind goes crazy with all this. I need to start working. I accepted a job offer from a company called Devereux.. working as a residential counselor in a mental health facility for adolescent females. Not the job I wanted, but I still have not heard back from another company, the one I really wanted. Hopefully I hear back today or tomorrow.. which will then make me have another debate with myself.. keep the job I accepted or take the other one? Devereux is already full-time, though doesn't start until July 18th. The Center For Autism.. not sure when they'll start but it is only a summer position and not guaranteed for the full. Bah.

So, for now, instead of driving myself crazy with where I am going to be in a year, I am just going to chill out and enjoy my life day by day. I miss the woods and trees, so a friend is taking me out on a woodsy trail to explore and be amongst the wilderness again. Can't believe I am saying this, but I miss the bugs and stillness of the woods, I miss the obnoxious chirping birds and almost accidentally stepping on frogs on the trails. And I miss the hilarious and stupid comments the boys would make. Life was a lot slower there.. I wasn't preoccupied with the future. Ha I was more preoccupied by the swearing and sexual harassment going on around me. Though, camp is an entry for another time.

In other news. I will be home in LA by Wednesday, the 22nd. Home for 2 weeks! Holy crap, what the heck am I going to do with myself for 2 weeks? Make sure you're all free. =)

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