Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We always spend our lives wishing we had what other people had... wishing we did what other people have done.

Who says we can't do that same thing? I always encourage others to do what they want to do.. and take a chance.

I like to think I've done that... taken a chance. Moved away from everything and everyone that was ever familiar to a foreign region... New England. Ha. Endured a whole lot of crap while working as an outdoor youth counselor with disrespectful and mean teenage boys. And after those rough 10 months, I've moved out of the woods and on to Philadelphia, to keep trying out new things and having new adventures.

But, now I've come to a stand still. I'm in a job that I dislike and I want to quit... and I'm finding that it is easier said than done... to just quit and find a new job these days. I have applied to countless places and barely hear back from them. Send my resume out into the void of the internet world and hoping my resume makes me shine and makes them call me. But, let's me honest, my resume isn't all that shiny when compared to other applicants.

So, I ask myself... now what? Good question, Mel. I have no clue. Though, in the back of my mind, I know what I need to do... what path I need to be taking now. My bachelors degree has only taken me so far, and now I think it's come time for me to get a higher degree. Masters degree, anyone?

My international pursuits can wait, I guess. The world isn't going anywhere, but if I don't figure out some path or plan for myself now, who knows where I'll go and what state I'll end up in.

One thing I do know... a masters degree will open up opportunities for my professional life that I only dream about right now. All I need to do now is get the courage to apply... and not be afraid for the possibility of rejection.


  1. I think you are a great candidate for grad school, Meli. With some solid research on schools, and possibly visiting a few to show programs how great you are in person, I think your odds of getting in where you want will be high.

  2. go to grad school and hopefully new adventures and opportunities will come...take a chance like you just said!

  3. Meli, you write so well, I am so proud of the woman you have grown into. Graduate school is waiting! go for it and aim high!
